My name is Carlos Henrique, but everyone calls me Charles - except my mom, but that’s besides the point :-)
I’m a Free Software Advocate, Debian Developer, Computer Engineer and Software Engineer currently working in the embedded systems field at Toradex.
I really really enjoy learning new things and how everything works, specially in the computer world. And one of my hobbies is learn as much as possible about computer history and the advent of Unix at Bell Labs.
My story
As a kid and a teenager, I always thought I was going to be a Mechanical Engineer working in the automotive field - actually developing and building cool cars. And so I went to university to become an Mechatronics Engineer at University of São Paulo.
Well, the problem is Mechanical Engineer isn’t as cool as I thought - doing technical drawings, calculating the forces on a shaft, and analyzing the marks left by a lathe is not on my top 10 coolest things to do.
Thankfully, one of the courses from the first semester was introduction to programming and we had an awesome teacher, Kalinka. She taught us how to program in C, how memory works - on an abstract level -, how pointers are cool and obviously the forbiden keyword in C, goto. From that moment forward, I realized computer science was the thing that kept me awake at night or watching videos on weekends. After one year, I made the decision to ask for a transfer to the Computer Engineer program and I’ve never looked back.